Creating a custom sharing service

This is possibly an example of a pun which has gotten out of hand. It began when I was setting up some sharing buttons on a blog using the service I couldn’t help thinking how funny it would be to have a similar service called “Cher This” which somehow allowed you to share a […]
Custom Styles for Select Inputs

It’s long been a problem for developers that the Select (or dropdown) input doesn’t allow you many options for customising their look and feel. You shouldn’t be trying to style selects! When you search for help on this matter, you often come across people arguing that select inputs get their style from whatever browser you […]
Building a Responsive Design: Top Tips

Coding HTML at the cutting edge, make use of HTML5 and CSS3 to create fully responsive layouts that look great on screens of all sizes.
Target _blank is out the window
Clients will often ask me to target external site links to open in a new window. Of course the correct answer is “No, it’s not up to a site to determine how a link should work, the user can decide that when browsing.” Not only is it bad practice but the target=”_blank” tag has been […]